JavaScript: alphabetize and sort by number

This post goes over how to alphabetize and sort by number with JavaScript.


Given an array of objects:

const objects = [
    number: 2,
    string: 'Two-B',
    number: 2,
    string: 'Two-A',
    number: 1,
    string: 'One',

How does one alphabetize by property string and sort by property number?


To alphabetize by property string:

objects.sort((a, b) => a.string.localeCompare(b.string));

To sort by property number:

objects.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number);


  { number: 1, string: 'One' },
  { number: 2, string: 'Two-A' },
  { number: 2, string: 'Two-B' },

Since Array.prototype.sort() mutates the array, create a copy of the array with slice:

const copy = objects.slice();

Or by spread:

const copy = [...objects];



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