VoiceOver: Tips and Tricks

This post goes over VoiceOver tips and tricks.

Enable VoiceOver

To enable VoiceOver, press Command (⌘) + F5.

Or go to  > System Preferences > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Enable VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Utility

Open  > System Preferences > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Open VoiceOver Utility.


Uncheck General > Display welcome dialog when VoiceOver starts.

Change the VO modifier key by going to General > Keys to use as the VoiceOver modifier.

I prefer Caps Lock over Control + Option.


Go to Web > General and check Speak webpage summary and uncheck Automatically speak the webpage.

Go to Web > Web Rotor and check all items.

VoiceOver Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
VO + u Dialog of all elements of a type
VO + ⌘ + h Headings
VO + ⌘ + t Tables
VO + ⌘ + l Links
VO + ⌘ + j Form controls, buttons
VO + ⌘ + x Lists
VO + ⌘ + g Graphics


  • VO = VoiceOver modifier key
  • ⌘ = Command key

Adding Shift navigates in reverse.


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