Git stash tips and tricks

git stash saves your work-in-progress changes.


Stash changes not staged for commit:

git stash

Stash changes not staged for commit and untracked files:

git add .
git stash

Stash one or multiple files:

git stash push <file>

Stash using patch mode:

git stash -p

Stash with a message:

git stash save 'my message'

There’s discussion to deprecate git stash save in favor of git stash push.


List stashes:

git stash list


Show most recent stash:

git show stash@{0}

Replace 0 with the index of the stash you wish to see.


Pop most recent stash:

git stash pop

This removes the stash from the list.

Pop a specific stash:

git stash pop stash@{0}

Replace 0 with the index of the stash you wish to pop.


Apply most recent stash:

git stash apply

This does not remove the stash from the list.

Apply a specific stash:

git stash apply stash@{0}

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