Vim: convert a file from DOS to UNIX

This post goes over how to convert a file from DOS to UNIX using Vim:


To convert file.txt from DOS to UNIX, open the file with Vim:

vim file.txt

Set fileformat to unix:

:set fileformat=unix

Save and quit the file:


This is the same as running the command:

vim '+set ff=unix' '+x' file.txt


To convert file.txt from UNIX to DOS, open the file with Vim:

vim file.txt

Set fileformat to dos and write and quit the file:

:set fileformat=dos

Save and quit the file:


This is the same as running the command:

vim '+set ff=dos' '+x' file.txt

Replace ^M

To replace ^M, run a global string replace in Vim:


^M is entered by typing Ctrl + v and Ctrl + m.

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